GDR-I Graphene and Nanotubes



The "Graphene and Nanotubes: science and applications" ("GNT") group is a national research group (GDR 3217) and an international coordination network (GDRI) cross-linking research on nanotubes and graphene. Its scientific activity is based on three vital and emerging research themes, which develop knowledge of basic properties of individual nano-objects as well as their manipulation for developing devices linked to the industrial and socio-economical world. The group gathers French, European and Canadian partners who have played a major role in the activities of the previous GDR, and to which are added scientists of international reputation working on graphene.



For more Information :


     Read more on the website of GDR-I Graphene and Nanotubes

#103 - Last update : 10/07 2013

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