#166 - Last update : 01/16 2013
Research Units

DAM/Le Ripault/DMAT/LMC (Laboratoire Microstructure & Comportement)

Aeronautical and space systems are composed of high-tech materials subjected to severe environments and stresses.

DAM/Le Ripault/DMAT/LMC (Laboratoire Microstructure & Comportement)

DEN/DANS/DMN/SEMI/LCMI (Mechanical Characterisation)

The mechanical characterisation is carried out within the Laboratory for Mechanical Behaviour of Irradiated Materials (LCMI).

DEN/DANS/DMN/SEMI/LCMI (Mechanical Characterisation)
DEN/DANS/DPC/SCCME/LECA (Laboratory of 'Etude de la Corrosion Aqueuse')

DEN/DANS/DPC/SCCME/LECA (Laboratory of 'Etude de la Corrosion Aqueuse')

The Speeds of generalized corrosion (uniform corrosion) of metals or alloys which are generally used in aqueous environment depend not only on the material/environment couple, but also on physical-chemical conditions (temperature, concentration of species in solution, fluid velocity,…).

DEN/DANS/DPC/SECR/LECBA (Laboratory of 'Etude du comportement des bétons et des argiles')

The  determination of chemical durability of concrete materials requires the acquisition of experimental data, the understanding and modelling of elementary mechanisms relative to the material hydratation, the chemical reactivity, transport properties and the mechanical impact.

DEN/DANS/DPC/SECR/LECBA (Laboratory of 'Etude du comportement des bétons et des argiles')
DSM/IRAMIS/LLB/GIM (Interfaces and materials Group)

DSM/IRAMIS/LLB/GIM (Interfaces and materials Group)

This scientific axis covers the activities related to the research in materials science and more generally in hetero-systems (i.e., interfaces, alloys, composites materials, and confined systems).

Dsm/Iramis/SIS2M/LEEL (Laboratory for Light Element Studies)

    Within the Laboratory for light element studies (LEEL, Laboratoire d'Etude des Eléments Légers), research topics are focused on light element behavior in materials, mainly with the help of the nuclear microprobe, a facility remarkably suited for monitoring such elements.

Dsm/Iramis/SIS2M/LEEL (Laboratory for Light Element Studies)
Dsm/Iramis/SIS2M/LRad (Radiolysis Laboratory)

Dsm/Iramis/SIS2M/LRad (Radiolysis Laboratory)

The object of these researches is, through experiments using external tools for irradiation (ions or electrons accelerators) and also by means of simulations, to study the fundamental behaviour under irradiation of a large variety of materials in the context of electro-nuclear generators (metal alloys, glasses, ceramics, polymers).

DSM/IRAMIS/SPCSI/LNOSC (Groupe Systèmes complexes et fracture - Nano-Objets et Systèmes Complexes)

Studies realised in the group seeks to understand and describe the relationship between the microstructure of a material and its mechanical properties such as its fracture properties for example.

DSM/IRAMIS/SPCSI/LNOSC (Groupe Systèmes complexes et fracture - Nano-Objets et Systèmes Complexes)
Plate-forme d'applications, de recherche et de caractérisation à l'échelle nanométrique
uB fulfils a dual mission of education and research in all scientific fields, among which Social sciences, Humanities, Physical sciences, and Life sciences.
Institut de rechercher sur la Fusion Magnétique
In 2050 energy consumption could reach two or three times current consumption.
Plateforme dédiée Minatec
The Nanosafety Platform focuses on the protection and safety issues inherent to nanomaterial implementation.
Nanosafety platform
Orphée, a research reactor at Saclay
  ORPHEE is a research reactor whose first purpose is to provide neutron beams to meet requirements for fundamental research on condensed matter.
MINATEC Platform
PFNC is jointly operated by CEA Grenoble institutes Leti, Liten, and INAC.
The Nanocharacterization Platform (PFNC)
HAL publications
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DSM/IRAMIS/LLB/GIM (Interfaces and materials Group)
Dsm/Iramis/SIS2M/LRad (Radiolysis Laboratory)
The Nanocharacterization Platform (PFNC)
Nanosafety platform
DAM/Le Ripault/DMAT/SR2C/LECP (Laboratoire Expertises Chimiques & Physico-Chimiques)
Dsm/Iramis/SIS2M/LEEL (Laboratory for Light Element Studies)
DSM/IRAMIS/SPCSI/LNOSC (Groupe Systèmes complexes et fracture - Nano-Objets et Systèmes Complexes)
DAM/Le Ripault/DMAT/LMC (Laboratoire Microstructure & Comportement)

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