DSM/IRAMIS/LLB/GIM (Interfaces and materials Group)
DSM/IRAMIS/LLB/GIM (Interfaces and materials Group)

Introduction of a sample using a diffractometer

This scientific axis covers the activities related to the research in materials science and more generally in hetero-systems (i.e., interfaces, alloys, composites materials, and confined systems). The topics cover the study of the detailed st ructure of nanoobjects, the interactions between nano-objects, and the role of nanostructures in composite materials.


For more informations :


Read more on the website of LLB

#91 - Last update : 10/07 2013
Expertise domains / Common laboratories
Orphée, a research reactor at Saclay
  ORPHEE is a research reactor whose first purpose is to provide neutron beams to meet requirements for fundamental research on condensed matter.

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